The Church of Ephesus
“Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus
write; ‘These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand,
who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know thy works,
and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are
evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and
hast found them liars: and hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's
sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless, I have somewhat
against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from
whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come
unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except
thou repent. But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitans,
which I also hate. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto
the churches; to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life,
which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” Revelation 2:1-7 KJV
John focused on what Christ is saying to him as he is
writing these things down, intolerance to false doctrine and evil. In the
following inquiries of the seven churches, it will be John’s home church of Ephesus
that Christ deals with in the very beginning. It is noted in church history
that John and Christ’s mother Mary came to Ephesus and to the established
assembly around 48 A.D. It is notable to say that at this time in the first
century church, the concept of denominations had not materialized. Therefore,
we are dealing with a body of believers that have not been influenced by
doctrines of churches other than the First Church of Jerusalem where it all
began. Technically speaking for the church, the mother church for all born-again
Christians is the First Church of Jerusalem. This is the reason that when
Christ returns, it is Jerusalem He comes to and not the Vatican as some has
this wishful thinking. Not to dishearten anyone, but according to the eschatology
of Revelation all organized religion will be destroyed including the Vatican,
Islam, and all harlot denominations of the world. This will give the returning
Christ a clean slate as to establish His Kingdom as He wishes for us to behave
in. This was one of the purposes for the Apostle Paul’s visits to these
churches to make sure they stay on target in their doctrine of Christ. Even in Paul
and John’s time, they all were awaiting the returning Christ with anticipation.
It was in their heart and minds to be ready for Him and to make sure they were
doing all that Christ expected of them. I feel this is the reason Christ had a
hands on effect of the churches to prepare them for the Bema Seat of Christ
where they will receive their just rewards.
In verse two, Christ is telling John that his actions
towards evil are commendable. There arose inquisitions of some people, which
came into the congregation and tried to stir up trouble by asking questions
that came to arguments and disagreements. As in our day, there appears the self-proclaimed
apostle to try out his theory of doctrine on the unsuspecting church. The only
problem with this was that John was an original apostle and had contact with
all the others including the Apostle Paul, which was the last of the original
apostles. From this knowledge forward anyone who stepped up to the plate was
only an imposter and usually driven from the congregation as a troublemaker and
a liar. The proof of the apostle credentials was the fact that the man was
chosen by Christ as He walked the earth among men. Christ handpicked His
apostles and wrote the confirmation of each one in the foundation walls of the
City of New Jerusalem. There are only twelve foundations and there won’t be any
more added to accommodate the imposters that arrive too late such as in John’s
day and ours.
“And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and
in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” Rev 21:14
On this thought John wrote; “Beloved, believe not
every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false
prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every
spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And
every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not
of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard
that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” 1 John 4:1-3 KJV
Even before the Revelation visions were given to John,
I feel he was well aware of the trouble that the church was in at the time. The
Elders of Ephesus were simply ‘trying the spirits’ to discern if they were true
or false. On many occasions, they found them to be false and thus ensued the
cold and callous handling of the infiltrators. The real problem arose when they
started suspecting everyone in the congregation probably because of the many
differing opinions arising due to the influx of doubtful doctrinal ideas. John
had the same problem we all have; we are human with all that ensues with feelings
of doubts, and fears. It is a known fact that when the warrior is in the heat
of the battle it is easy to get far-sided in our vision and feelings for
humanity grow dim by the hour. I feel that this is the reason Christ stopped
John and set him aside on Patmos to remind him that he and his followers had
left their first love of men’s souls and that the ministry is inhibited by
malice. I don’t believe it was John’s intention to do any of these things but
when we struggle in the flesh as all men do, anything can happen unawares. Sometimes
a period of time out is warranted for us all so we can be refocused on the job
at hand. It has been said that we cannot see what we are doing because we are
too close to the work. John and his congregation had changed warfare tactics
from being on the defensive to going on the offence and this was an offence to
the Saviour of the church. As Christ points out in His letter to Ephesus, there
is a danger of total intolerance where any compassion is left outside the door
of hope. Satan will never cease to stop from attacking and will use every
person approachable to achieve his agenda of total destruction of the church. It
would pay us to remember the words of Christ spoken to Peter.
“And I say also unto thee, that thou art
Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18
Christ was not telling Peter that the church would be
built on [1]Peter’s
ministry alone, but with Christ as the chief corner stone, we all will have an
opportunity to build the church according to God’s plans for His Kingdom. Christ
is telling the church that Satan and his cronies will not prevail nor win their
war on the church. Yes, we will face opposition from the enemy and sometimes
persecution as it was in John’s time. There will be times we will begin to
think that the enemy is winning, but in the master plans of the ages, the
church will be victorious with Christ Yehoshua sitting on the Throne of David.
This is the promise of Matthew 16: 18.
The next problem mentioned in Ephesus was the
infiltration of the [2]Gnostics.
We have to remember where it is that the church is located. This area was of
Grecian culture and home to over 300 false Grecian gods. These Gnostic sects,
and there are many, embraced many of these false doctrines along with their
secret handshakes and underground closed meetings claiming they possessed inside
higher knowledge of supernatural proportions aspired from the supernatural gods
of their imagination. It had a way of capturing men and women’s minds and
conjured up curiosity nothing short of mystery. The more secretive, more the
better for the congregation to be swayed away from truth. In our day, many
professing Christians also congregate with another the Gnostic sect known as
Free Masons; still in use are their secret handshakes and rituals as it was in
John’s time. More than ever, the church is unfortunately inundated with
Gnostics. Moreover, as it was in the Garden of Eden, Satan continues to blend
truth with error and many follow the voice of cunningness with tingling ears. They
have a nasty little habit of using secular indoctrination to explain the meaning of the Scripture texts instead
of the Holy Spirit revealing the truth of the whole matter. Among the wheat,
enter the tares. Most Gnostics are secularist in their view of the Bible and
their main purpose is to conjure up obscure ideas that decimates one’s faith
and introduces a plethora of doubts. Many have come up with some most amazing
analogies that do not even come close to the intended truth of the Scripture.
You can find many of these things in libraries around the world. A very good
example of this secular doctrine and one of my favorites to attack would be the
Gospel of Mary Magdalene, in which the Saviour and Mary are viewed as lovers
and have a child in secret. There are many more untruths told by Gnostics and
perpetrated by the movie industry. One such untruth on the movie screen was the
“The Di Vinci Code” from the novel by Dan Brown.
In addition, another form of Gnostic belief with us
today is an atheist movement, which is declared as another form of religion. Once
again, employing the higher form of head knowledge but without the system of
faith except in one’s self, this aspires into humanism where man has replaced
the true and living God with himself above all.
Make note: if a born-again Christian is not grounded
in the truth of the Gospel these untruths circulating will surely be the litmus
test of their salvation. It is the same scenario played out in different places
on many fronts. Satan will never give up on his attacks on the church and
Christ will always be there to defend it.
“But this thou hast, that thou hatest the
deeds of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.” Revelation 2:6
According to verse six, there was a germ of Gnostics
known as [3]Nicolaitans.
This new Gnostic sect caused horrific problems in the church of Ephesus in
which John was contending. The Nicolaitans were a kindred antinomian sect who abused the doctrine emphasized by the
Apostle Paul of Gentile liberty from
the Mosaic Law. In defiance of that apostle's [4]warnings as well as of the
decree of the [5]Council
of Jerusalem, they permitted participation in heathen feasts connected with
idolatry as well as the fornication that frequently accompanied such feasts.
The Nicolaitans represent a more advanced and aggressive state of antinomianism
than that which was found in the Corinthian Church. They are organized into a
sect with a 'doctrine,' and stand in a nearer relationship to the 'false
teachers' referred to in Jude 4,11,12 & 2 Peter 2:1,2,14,15, who 'turned
the Grace of God into lasciviousness, 'denied even the Master' probably through
countenancing idolatry, and 'followed the way of Balaam' 'running riotously in
his error[6].
My view of the conclusion
of Ephesus to me is the heartbreak of the truth of the Gospel of Christ. Did
the Church of Ephesus heed Christ’s warning? Well, it is evident it did not.
What would have been the outcome of the church in relation to today’s
congregations if it had? I am sure there are a lot of ‘what ifs’ that comes to
mind. I feel on the return of John when he was released from prison in about
A.D.98 that he tried everything in his power to sway and convince the
congregation to return to the first works or else. I believe John died in peace
with the LORD knowing he had tried everything possible to him even though it
might have been too late, although it is never too late for the new influx of
knowledge to grasp the reigns. John voiced his efforts, wishes, and heartbreaks
through the writings of the Gospel of John, first, second, and third John, and
finally the Apocalypse of Revelation, some say after he had returned to Ephesus.
The opportunity still
awaits us who are in the land of the living. I believe Christ expects us all to
adhere to this unwavering letter to the church. That is what I adore about my
LORD and Saviour, there is always hope for change in the right direction.
Whether or not this change takes place will be the burden you and I will bear. With
the overwhelming evidence that the Church of Ephesus has crumbled to the ground
by the cruelty of time, unfortunately, the church of Ephesus is with us today
wholly in spirit and truth. I wonder if the candle of Ephesus has been extinguished
or is the flicker of it lingering on throughout the denominations of our time. I
am not the Christ nor do I possess the wisdom of God fully but if it had been
my decision to make, I would have probably written off Ephesus and extinguished
the candle long ago. I am glad that I do not hold the judgment seat of the ages.
It seems from the very outset Satan unloaded every ounce of literal hell he could
and can muster at the church. In fact, not much has changed but rather intensified
through the ages. Therefore, as Satan is well aware, his days grow shorter and
shorter as the time draws nearer for the return of our LORD and Saviour who
will set all things in order. Amen
Peter = Petro’s or ‘little rock’
Gnostics = Higher knowledge outside of the Word of God. A form of Secularists
who possessed head knowledge and
rejected the works of faith. Gnosis or science falsely so-called as the Apostle
made mention to Timothy in his letter of 1 Timothy 6: 20.
[3] Nicolaos--'he overcomes the people’. An
un-translated Greek word meaning, 'rulers over the people.' Nicolaitanism is
really clerisy or clerics -- the subjugation of those who were contemptuously
styled 'the laity' by a hierarchical order who lorded it over them as their own
possessions, forgetting that it is written, 'One is your Master, even Christ,
and all ye are brethren.' H.A. Ironside
[4] 1 Corinthian’s 6:13-20, 8:9&10, 10:28
[5] Acts 15:29
H.A. Ironside